Training and Certifications
As an integral component of Nitrotel University’s commitment to delivering top-tier training and continuous education for our associates, we extend access to our sister company, Certitel, to serve the Spanish-speaking community.
We must highlight that Certitel, among its training courses, teaches the Nitrotel Certification course that allows those accredited to offer a lifetime guarantee on the installations with our products.
Certitel offers training and certifications in the areas of Structured Cabling and Fiber Optics, both in online and in-person formats. With a history of more than 14 years, Certitel has solid regional recognition, trainers of the highest level, the best Spanish-speaking manuals and first-class equipment. We invite you to learn more through its website.
Based on our courses and the corresponding exams, Certitel offers the following certifications which have a registration number that, in addition to being included in the certificate obtained, remain in the database of our website and have international recognition.
- Specialist in Advanced Structured Cabling Design (EDCEA)
- Specialist in Design of Fiber Optic Networks (EDRFO)
- Certified Installer in Structured Cabling (ICFO)
- Certified Fiber Optic Installer (ICCE)
Design courses (Online)
- Selection of Media for ICT Infrastructures
- Fiber Optic LAN
- Aerial and Underground Fiber Optic
- FTTx Fiber Optic Networks
- Commercial and Hospital Structured Cabling
- Cabling for Smart Buildings and Data Centers
- Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications
Installation courses (on site)
- Structured cabling
- Internal Plant Fiber Optic
- Fiber Optic External Plant
- GPON Fiber Optic
- OTDR management workshop
- Splicing workshop